Innovation and KPIs

When you think about innovation, Key Performance Indicators may not be the first thing that springs to mind. We are often drawn to the creative side of the process, thinking of new and unusual ways to generate ideas. We sometimes stop to think about the ‘why’ and ‘how’ those ideas could be implemented, however,

· How often do we really evaluate our process?
· Assess if we are achieving our goals and
· Demonstrate how important those innovations are to the business?

Listen to our 30-minute discussion around how to use KPIs and the benefits they can bring to your innovation programme.

Ideate better in 2019


Five Ways to Ideate Better in your Business for 2019

Ideation is the 3rd stage of the design thinking process, which involves generating ideas that help you and your organisation think broader when resolving customer problems and seeking new opportunities.

If you’re feeling stuck in old ways or simply looking for ways to improve, this 40-minute session will consider five methods to get you to that light bulb moment faster.  From brain writing techniques to how to avoid idea killers, by the end of the session you will be able to take these tools and apply them to quickly improve your innovation process.

ideasUK Network Webinar

Tuesday 20th April, 9:00am GMT
(12:00 Gulf Standard Time)

In just 30 minutes we will take a whistle-stop tour, looking at how to prepare, who should be involved and some of my favourite techniques to use – plus give you the opportunity to share your experiences and techniques with other members.

Supporting Webinar PDF File

Webinar Audio File

Note:  The WebEx ARF player is required to playback the recording. Download ARF player

ideasUK Network Webinar

Tuesday 11th April, 9:00am GMT
(12:00 Gulf Standard Time)

Our minds are so occupied with the next thing to do, that we often don’t have time to stop and think.
But what if you could gain extra hours in your day?
Could you use the extra time to be creative?

Anders Timms, Capenhurst Nuclear Services offers you an opportunity to do just that:

Save 20% of the time you spend sending and receiving emails!

What will you do with that extra 20%?
Tune in and make it happen!

Supporting Webinar PowerPoint Slide Presentation

Webinar Audio File


In our fast-paced world, mechanisms and methods that shorten cycle times leading to quicker outcomes can be essential

Our first ideasUK ‘network’ webinar of 2017, heard how three organisations have excelled in delivering innovation at speed

Federal Competitiveness & Statistics Authority
& the Welsh Government

shared their experience on: Wednesday 15th February

International Ideas Week launch – Wales Audit Office Webinar

During May 2015 ideasUK celebrated International Ideas Week™ in style, with a host of special events across the country. The first of these took us to the Wales Audit Office, with a look at engaging staff through ideas schemes, continuous improvement and a chat with the Ministry of Defence.

Staff Ideas Shared Learning Webinar 2015

This free webinar discussed engaging staff through ideas schemes, sharing helpful advice, lessons learnt and approaches
Chapters / Penodau
00:00 Introduction / Cyflwyniadau
04:28 Why is it important to gather ideas from your staff? Pam mae’n bwysig i gasglu syniadau eich staff?
09:53 What methods do you use? Pa ddulliau ydych chi’n defnyddio?
23:00 What benefits do you get? Pa fuddion ydych chi’n cael?
49:53 What advice would you give to anyone thinking about gathering staff ideas? Pa gyngor fyddech chi’n rhoi i rywun sy’n meddwl am gasglu syniadau staff?