2023 Knowledge Nugget #4: Learning and the Brain – Developing Innovative People, Teams, & Culture

Innovation needs a specific type of mind-set – and for most people it requires us to adopt very different ways of doing things. We become more innovative as individuals, teams and organisations by learning and developing new skills, learning and developing different ways to approach problems, and by gaining confidence in our abilities. 

However, radical changes in our behaviours and skills don’t come easy to us as humans – and for leaders we have the added responsibility of helping other people within our teams learn and develop innovation skills. Understanding how our brains work in terms of learning, will give us a big head start in that development process.

This short session explores how brain science can be used to inform our learning and development strategies in our transition to a work culture that embraces creativity and innovation. In simple terms, we explain the key ways in which the brain responds to different aspects of learning, and what we can do to spark and sustain a growth mind-set when it comes to innovation.

This session is delivered by: Tony Wakefield CEO of Outcome1 Training.